Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ARRRR! Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Jo Ann, one of our Applejack Lane friends, constructed a calendar that she gave to friends at Christmas.  Loaded with her favorite photos for each month and birthday reminders of special family and friends, she added one special day in September-Talk Like A Pirate Day.  I thought it was a joke so I asked her about it.  Sure enough, September 19 is the official day to talk like a pirate.   
Ahoy me hearties! No swabbin' the deck today.  Spice the mainbrace instead!  Fairwinds, me buckos!


bathroom mirrors said...

Talk Like A Pirate Day!
It is really useful, it is rare to see a great blog like this one today, keep up the excellent quality writing

Paula said...

This made me laugh so much - sorry to have missed it! I may have to get my kids to have an honorary 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' in a belated tribute!
Best wishes,
Paula x
p.s. I found you as I was drawn to the name of your blog - don't know why, but 'Applejack Lane' sounds so homely and welcoming!

Martha said...

I didn't know that -- that's cute!

Paula@SweetPea said...


You did spy sheet music on my wall. It belonged to the daughter of the man who built her Waynesboro house.

Did you know your email settings are set to "no reply"?
