Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Gingerbread Tea

Welcome! .  Today, we are joining Mr. Toast via Applejack Lane at his first annual Christmas tea event.  Be sure to join him at Hot Toast and Jam for more tea party fun!

We are having a Gingerbread Tea today.  Do come in!

Won't you have a seat?

How could we have a southern tea party without cheese straws?

Finger sandwiches, anyone?  We have cranberry pecan chicken salad and cream cheese with chive and a dab of Christmas jam...

For a gingerbread tea, we must have homemade gingerbread scones...

Would you care for a cup of Christmas raspberry tea served from our little cottage teapot?

Some sweets to nibble...

Please help yourself...

and I'll do the same...

 A little light banner and conversation...

 Thank you for spending your afternoon at Applejack Lane.  Thank you, Mr. Toast for hosting such a wonderful event.


Michael said...

joan -- how lovely. I will hang here a bit before popping back to check on my guests in Aspn. how lovely everyhitn gis. How on earht will I manage to get out of here with still room for the after tea nosh as well!

Well, I am adding you to the side bar status. do check it when able and do come over to say hello. What will you be wearing so we know who you are when you arrive.

Joan said...

I will be in Victoria's Secret! You won't miss me!

Unknown said...

Nice to join you for the tea party!!
I'd like to try the cheese straws - I've never had these before!!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

This is so darling! What a sweet tea set. And the goodies look wonderful!

Unknown said...

I'm awaiting my invitation to tea. I just got back from the mailbox, but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm sure it will because I must take part in anything gingerbread:) Your tea was delightful. Come join me for Crock Pot Wednesday at Dining With Debbie whenever you can.

Delchick42 said...

Hi Joan! This all looks so yummy! The chicken salade just beckons me lol. Thank you for sharing. Also, looks like you already have Christmas cookies done! Wow! I wish:)