Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vintage Black Friday-Silhouettes

Greetings from Applejack Lane!  Today is the first Friday of the month;  therefore, it must be Vintage Black Friday.  Today, I am sharing a pair of silhouette pictures of my husband made sixty years ago. I think that probably qualifies him and the pictures as vintage.
Thanks for stopping in.  Please join The French Cupboard for more VBF fun.


Debra@CommonGround said...

I just love these, my mom had mine done when I was about 4 years old. I would love to learn the techniques. They are really sweet!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

I Love those & they always seem to look best in the Old Oval Frames ~
Have a Wonderful Weekend

Paula@SweetPea said...

They are so sweet! One day they will be a treasure to hand down to your children.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

These are wonderful! I wish I still had the ones my Mom had!

Queen B. said...


V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

So very sweet ... look at that little profile ... don't you just want to eat it up? I had my kids portraits done ... one of my best investments!!

Thanks for joining in VBF ... see you next month!


Patty Benedict said...

Wonderful! I have some of my children...I need to find them!!!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love silhouette pictures and it is so special that they are of your husband. I have collected a few silhouette prints and they are so fun to incorporate in vignettes. Thanks for sharing.

Gretchen said...

Very cool silhouette's of your hubby. How special that you have them in your home now. Thanks for sharing.

Sheila said...

I just love silohettes... I had some done of both my girls when they were 1 and 3. i have them placed on my mantel in my bedroom. I sure hope you have some plans for a great weekend.


Legacy of Love said...

Those are really cool. I used to want to learn that art. (I know it's just cutting paper but I believe it's much more than that)

God Bless

Sherrie said...

I adore silhouettes. I know a few years ago I cut out a magazine article about how to make them, I think it might have been Country Living. I think it may be time to revisit that idea. Thanks for sharing. Actually thank your husband.