It's Metamorphosis Monday, and mine is in the making-literally. On Friday, Valerie of
Snap Peas and I went to
The Depot for my birthday lunch.

After lunch, we walked over to
Rachel's Quilt Patch, a most delightful place to visit, look at fabric, and order dinner napkins for Tablescape Thursdays.

Rachel soon opened her shop when
The Wharf area of our town was renovated in the late 1980's-early 90's. Many of the fixtures are not original with the building, but are indicative of the era.

A cashier's counter and bookkeeper's window from a tobacco warehouse in North Carolina...

The resident cat of 14 years is a local celebrity...

Lots of quilting fabric to see..

all colors and prints...

and so many choices for beautiful, soft dinner napkins...

Wall art and quilts by Rachel and her students...

Here, Rachel is cutting fabric...

A large work area with lots of activity and people browsing...

So, on Saturday, I arrive with dishes in hand to pick out fabric for new napkins. You can see my reflection in the door clutching my dishes in one hand and taking pictures with the other...

an Azalea Trail green for my
Lenox Winter Greetings...

a colorful stripe for a whimsical set of plates and soup mugs...

and amazingly, Valerie picked out this fabric to go with my Bittersweet dishes sight unseen! That girl, she has a fabulous sense of color!

While Rachel morphs my fabric into napkins, I plan how to use the results in tablescapes!.

Please stop by
Between Naps on the Porch hosted by Susan to visit more Metamorphosis Monday fun.